Regardless of the time of year, moving is always a little stressful. However, when you move in the winter months, there are additional considerations. If you’re going to be relocating during colder times, make sure that you keep these considerations in mind.
Keep Up with Snow Removal
If you’re going to be moving, you want the area around your house to be free of snow and ice. If you’re not removing the snow on a regular basis, it can quickly turn into ice so prompt removal is key leading up to the move. Don’t just clear the snow from the front walk though. Make sure to focus on the garage entrance, path to the back door, the entire driveway, and any sidewalks that border your property.
Plan the Move Early in the Day
One of the reasons why people like to move in the summer is that you have long days that allow you to take more time to pack and unload. However, in the winter, the days are much shorter. You should try to get started early in the day, preferably as soon as it’s light. Make sure that you have everything packed and ready to go before you move so that the day of the move goes faster.
Prepare Both Spaces for Movers
Winter is undoubtedly a messier time of the year to move. Either you or the movers can track slush, snow, and dirt into the house when bringing items in and out. Make it faster and cleaner for them to bring in and deliver items without having to stress about damaging or staining the floors. Plastic drop sheets and cardboard boxes are easy to lay down. This is especially important if the house has hardwood floors as they can be damaged by extra moisture.
When you’re in the middle of the move, you should consider turning the heat off. During the active move, the doors are going to be open and closing constantly for a few hours. You could spend a lot of money on utilities if you’re not careful. It’s usually simplest and cheapest to turn off the thermostat until the move is complete.
Finally, if you’re going to be moving with friends or volunteers, it’s always a nice gesture to have warm refreshments available. Also, provide plenty of water to stay hydrated. With these considerations in mind, your winter move can go smoothly and you’ll reduce the overall stress of the day.